The Neo-Judeo-Christian God does not exist in any form save in that of the imagination. For existentialists, that should then be enough but these neo-Christian-Judeo faithful are not looking for philosophy and self reflection. They are looking for a concrete definition of God – evidence that there is something outside of the Universe (impossible), and proof that the sum (i.e. God) is greater than the whole of its parts (all of creation). This includes those bloggers and educationally limited forum quibblers who equate the concept and philosophy of monotheism with the blanket word religion.
As the definition of this God is given to the three Abrahamic religions in the Old Testament, I will attempt to use semantics to help further elucidate this ancient concept of God. Simply put, God is existence.
One forum poster hit the nail on the head when observing that the name God is not actually a name but more of a label and I wonder how correct s/he knew s/he was when making this statement.
Names are powerful things. The most beautiful sound that anyone likes to hear is their own name being spoken. It feeds our ego, identifies us as individuals. We might tell ourselves that this statement doesn’t apply to us, but the next time someone addresses you incorrectly, notice even the most miniscule twang of insult creeping up in your consciousness and remember what you’ve read here. In the time of Abraham, and of Isaac and Jacob, cities were thought to be ruled by individual gods, each having their own name. And if someone knew the name of that god, with its different attributes, then that god could be controlled and his powers used.
Now, Moses came to the burning bush (this is a myth intended to teach a lesson). He said to the bush, “Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and say unto them, the God of thy Fathers sent me unto you, and they shall say unto me, What is his name? What shall I say unto them?” Moses asks for a name, but is sorely disappointed – or is he? God responds with “I am that I am”. That simple sentence defined the name of God as succinctly as any could have. Recognize that in every language, there is a verb which means “to be”, to exist in a certain state. This myth of the burning bush is intended to illustrate that it is at this point in Moses training as a priest that he begins to understand that God is not simply a strong magical spirit. Moses has an epiphany that God is everything. God is the bush, he is the ground, he is Moses himself and he is the air that Moses breaths. He is all things and yet he is not a thing. Because God is not a single thing, God can not be named – not out of reverence, but simply because it is impossible. Could you imagine praying to your god and having to say, “Dear rock-dog-cat-sand-water-salt-mom-dad-sister-brother-bird-tree-leaf-fire….” Age and time would catch up with you before you were done saying the name.
Instead, we have found substitute names. The Hebrews use the word Adonai, Muslims use the word Allah, and Christians use the word God.
To practice alchemy with any other understanding of the word God is to pursue a false dream, and I would encourage anyone who has a different opinion on the matter to respectfully leave this art to those of us who do indeed understand this.
Suggested Reading
The Old Testament/The Tenach
The Emerald Tablet

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