Step 3 Determine if chart is radical or fit to be judged
Step 4 Delineate the condition of each planet and luminary
Step 5 Determine primary significators
Step 6 Observe relations of significators
Step 7 If an outcome is determined, then predict the time it is determined for
Step 3 is a prepatory matter for the Astrologer to ensure that the proclamation they make is in fact the best that can be given. Some Astrologers will tell you that you can still judge a chart even without going through this step, but these Astrologers tend to be much more versed and experienced in Astrology. For the beginner, it's best to proceed with this step.
There are several items that need to be addressed. The first being that of the Lord of the Hour. Each of the 24 hours are ruled by a particular planet or luminary. If the Lord of the Ascending sign is the same as the Lord of the Hour, then the chart is radical and can be judged. Calculation of the Lord of the hour is quite simple and I will address it in a later post.
If the Ascending sign describes the Querent, or person asking the question, then the chart is radical and can also be judged. I would recommend picking up a book which fully describes the personalities and physical composition of a person that each sign creates. Commit a portion of that to memory and you will be able to determine at a glance of the chart and your Querent whether the chart is indeed radical and fit to be judged.
The next thing you want to know is the condition of both the Moon and the Lord of the 7th House, are they afflicted or well posited. In Horary Astrology, the Moon signifies the Question and the Lord of the 7th House signifies the Astrologer. If either one of these significators is afflicted then the Astrologer's judgement can be clouded and the Answer may not present itself.
Finally, the last thing you'll want to note is the degree of the Ascending sign. In Natal Astrology, the Ascending sign signifies the time of birth of the Native, and being the cusp of the first house it really describes the personality traits moreso than any other part of the Chart, and which the ancient philosophers described as the native's wit. In Horary Astrology, the Ascending degree signifies the birth of the question, so it describes the fortitude of the native - in this case the question. If the sign is in the earlier degrees of a sign (like the first 3 degrees) or if it's in the last 3 degrees of a sign it can cause the answer to the question to be blurred.
Again, there are several Astrologers who will tell you that you can still judge a chart even if any of these items apply to the chart you're looking at. The main thing to keep in mind is that if you're judging the chart with any of these problems for someone else, give them a heads up that you can judge it but the answer may not be correct due to the problems outlined above.
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