Step 1 Ask the question
Step 2 Cast the chart
Step 3 Determine if chart is radical or fit to be judged
Step 4 Delineate the condition of each planet and luminary
Step 5 Determine primary significators
Step 6 Observe relations of significators
Step 7 If an outcome is determined, then predict the time it is determined for
Delineating the condition of the planets and luminaries is an essential step and makes delineating the rest of the chart much easier if it's done before looking for the Primary Significators. Lilly has a chart in his Christian Astrology and I highly recommend using it for every chart until it is fully committed to memory. It's an elementary pointing/grading system which will tell you how much dignity versus debility a planet has.
You have to delineate the state of at least three planets in order to determine if the chart is radical or fit to be judged, two of which are your primary significators (Lord of the 1st and the Moon). Why is it necessary to delineate all of them? All planets have to be considered in every question. There is no point at which a planet does not have something to do with the event. They may not have as much bearing on the case as your primary significators, but they still affect the outcome. Not only that, but once you really get into determining an answer, the planets you thought were the primary influence in the matter can quickly change to other planets by virtue of dignity, debility or aspect.
One tip I will tell you to watch out for (and again more experienced Astrologers will tell you it's not always necessary but I like to err on the side of caution) is the Fixed Stars, one in particular is Caput Algol (the head of Medusa). Fixed stars are obviously not fixed in place but they move slowly enough that they seem not to move at all. Caput Algol is somewhere around 25 Taurus. If a planet is conjunct this star, it is considered debilitated.
Lilly's chart for delineating planets can be found on page 115 if you have a copy of the traditional text.
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